Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Who are the District Board members?
Your Indiana District Board members are 28 high school students who are elected by Indiana Key Club members to represent their divisions at a state-wide level and help facilitate District activities.
Who is elected at DLC?
Executive Board members and Lieutenant Governors are elected at the yearly District Leadership Convention (DLC). Talk to your Lieutenant Governor to find out how to become their successor. International candidates (President, Vice President, and Trustee) are endorsed at DLC, but are elected at International Convention (ICON).
What do the District Board members do?
Lieutenant Governors communicate with the Key Clubs in their division to ensure a steady flow of communication between their clubs and the District is present. Executive Board members guide Lieutenant Governors through their term and work to ensure the District runs smoothly while completing their individual duties.
Am I eligible to be a District Board member?
Eligibility for a District Board position relies on three factors:
- Have a home club which is chartered and has paid dues.
- You cannot be a graduating Senior when you apply (apply as a current Junior or younger).
- Willingness and ability to accept the responsibilities of a District Board member as outlined in their respective Statement of Candidacy.
District Board Member Testimonies
Governor Testimony:
The Governor for the District is one of the most difficult and rewarding opportunities that I have ever had. The role includes responsibilities like travel, meeting planning, communication, and leadership. Due to this position, I have to travel hours almost every other week and sacrifice some of my social life. However, I wouldn't give up this position in a heartbeat. Being Governor allows you to meet new people and make fantastic friends. Throughout my term, I have been able to interact with fellow Key Club members all through the state. The bonds that I have been able to make are by far the strongest I've had in my life. If there is any object to describe the position, it would be a sour patch kid. First, it's sour due to the transition and the responsibilities. Then, it's sweet. The friends and moments that you have are what make this position meaningful. And before you even know it, it's gone. You are left with the passing of the gavel, a final speech, and a lifetime worth of memories.
Schuyler McNaughton, Fremont High School
2015 - 2016 Cardinal/Johnny Appleseed Lieutenant Governor
2016 - 2017 Indiana District Governor
Secretary Treasurer Testimony:
Hello Indiana Key Clubbers! My name is Hannah Quirk and I am your Secretary/ Treasurer. As sec/treas I take minutes and make a directory of the officers and advisors in the Indiana District. Board meeting minutes are taken so non-board members know what happened at an Indiana District Board Meeting. The Club Officer Directory is used so we can spread the word about upcoming district events to clubs. From time to time, I make a district wide newsletter; this is to ensure that all Key Clubbers know the 4-1-1 about our district. I also volunteer on a club, divisional, and district level. If you want to learn more about how to become the next Indiana District Secretary/ Treasurer, contact myself or your LTG for more info!
Peace, love, Key Club
Hannah Quirk, Cowan Jr/Sr. High School
2016-2017 Indiana District Sec/Tres.
Bulletin Editor Testimony:
As bulliten editor, I make a magazine for the Indiana District of Key Club. I am also responsible for taking pictures during the board meeting. You also assist the board with anything newsletter releated, typically graphics.
Tyler Williams, Perry Central high School
2016-2017 Bulltien Editor
2015-2017 Lincoln Division LTG
Lieutenant Governor Testimony:
Lieutenant Governors serve as liaisons between your clubs and the District Board. Each LTG is responsible for keeping every club in their division informed on what's happening on the district level. This includes writing monthly newsletters, holding divisional council meetings, visiting individual clubs, and consistent one on one contact with club board members. Being an LTG will take an amount of dedication and time that can sometimes be hard to fit into a busy schedule, so make sure this is a position you're willing to commit to fully. It's a lot of work, but being an LTG has helped me improve as a person and meet amazing people from all over the state. I have formed so many incredible friendships and met people from all kinds of backgrounds. Additionally, being in this position has helped me become a better leader, discover what I'm passionate about, given me the confidence to be more outgoing, and allowed me to have a platform on which I can better serve my community. This is an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life. Key Club is what you put into it, and I am so glad to have put in this much effort.
-Marlee Wiggington, Tipton High School
2016-2017 Sycamore North Division LTG