What is Fall Rally?
Fall Rally is the first annual district event! Fall Rally is more of a social event for Key Clubbers from all over the Indiana district to interact. This event only lasts one day, typically 2-3 hours, in Indianapolis. Each year a different location is chosen by the Events And Planning Committee and voted on by the Indiana District Board. There are many activities that have been enacted at Fall Rally, such as scavenger hunts, venue attractions, bracelet trading, and more!
Fall Rally is the first annual district event! Fall Rally is more of a social event for Key Clubbers from all over the Indiana district to interact. This event only lasts one day, typically 2-3 hours, in Indianapolis. Each year a different location is chosen by the Events And Planning Committee and voted on by the Indiana District Board. There are many activities that have been enacted at Fall Rally, such as scavenger hunts, venue attractions, bracelet trading, and more!